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Saregune es un centro de nuevas tecnologias que me gusta mucho

pincha aqui y visita su pagina


Fat chance Belly dance

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When you go….to San Francisco…..

Poema de Alejandra Pizarnik

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Fronteras inútiles 

un lugar
no digo un espacio
hablo de

hablo de lo que no es
hablo de lo que conozco

no el tiempo
sólo todos los instantes
no el amor


un lugar de ausencia
un hilo de miserable unión.


puxada de rede

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This is the post which was meant to be published last week but didn’t due to a problem in my agenda:).So here’s a few pictures of what kept me bussy, and away from my blog commitment. There I was on a green t-shirt, learning and experiencing how the black fishermen in Brasil used to catch fishes with their nets. The singing was lovely and the final roda so….cool¡Lots of love and mark my word: I owe you one more this week¡¡¡

To your prosperity¡¡

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This post is due to a last minute inspiration on my post a week challenge for 2011. Believe it or not, so many ideas have come and gonne through my mind about what to post this week….It´s been great¡ I think I´ll have to reformulate my categories and tags soon to make it  dreamy and original.  I´ve come to a conclusion that even knowing that  if one wants her blog to be succesful, the best thing is to keep focused on a kind of subject, style, issue etc….that would be to hard for me, since I like to many different stories and would like to reflect them here  as if they were many different pieces of the blog universe. In other words, I´m gonna take it as if it were an artwork finding its own final state, step by step.

Well, the most important part of the post comes right this moment. Are you ready?
A dedication to all of us who badly need to prosper one way or another. A photoshop made collage which features the goddes of Prosperity which was gifted to me by my irish aunty who brought it home all the way from Bolivia and an antique chinese map of stars. A combination which you are free to understand or take as it suits you, ok?. You´ll probably notice I´ve a real atraction to different cultures and combinations. Let´s take the picture as a Talisman for Prosperity on my post a week challenge this year…………………………………………………See you next week¡¡¡¡ Oh¡ and please don´t forget to leave a comment¡¡

My mood 7th Dec. 0:16

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Check out Échale una mano al planeta

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Check out Échale una mano al planeta

A song for Babylon

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system not working


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Hola otra vez¡ que tal todo?

Este video es para que os animeis a hacer conmigo cursos de acuarela online o de foto digital para todos aquellos a los que os gusta tanto eso de andar siempre con la camarita a todos laos…..

Es gratis y ademas es online¡

Tener lugar, tener paisaje…

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Hoy he descubierto una parte escondida de un lugar bien cercano a mi Vitoria querida. Se trata del cabo de Ogoño y sus proximidades. Que bueno es observar una  gaviota  a un par de metros flotando en una corriente de brisa marina en un dia azul en pleno abril¡. Que gustazo el plan espontaneo de meterse en el mar de la playa de laga a 12 grados y sumergir la cabeza por un momento para recobrar la vida¡¡¡ Después un paseito por los pasadizos de mundaka y un pintxo de anchoas en Bermeo (aunque sean anchoas chilenas..) y el corazón se me ha vuelto a alegrar……bien, bien, bien¡¡¡¡¡¡

Aqui os dejo un video de Elantxobe , un pueblecito pesquero muy chulo que hay alado del cabo de ogoño, del cual han salido muchas historias mitologicas que hablan de «lamias» pero eso, tal vez, en la próxima ocasión….